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Encryption in Java with JCA and Bouncy Castle API.

Published September 17, 2018 in Java , security - 3 Comments

In this post, I cover the basics, what I have learned about encryption while building a module to protect Personal Identifiable Information (PII) data using the Java Cryptography API (JCA) and Bouncy Castle API.

You may find this post helpful if:

  • You are new to encryption or not sure how to use the JCA/Bouncy Castle to do encryption in Java.
  • You face some issues with key length using the JCA.
  • You are not sure which types of encoding to use for encryption.
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Secure app settings in ASP.NET Core 2

Published August 20, 2018 in ASP.NET core , security - 0 Comments

Update: This post shows how to authenticate to azure key vault using app id/secret. However, this approach is less secure than using managed identity for azure resource and certificate for non-azure resource to grant the resource access to the key vault. For production environment, you should definitely consider using azure managed identity or certificate to authenticate and access azure key vault from your resource. Checkout my other post for more details.

In this blog post, I’ll show you the steps on  how to keep the credentials out of the source code of an ASP.NET Core app using Azure Key Vault.

If you want some convincing examples why leaving secrets in the source code is bad, check out this post. 

I assume you have some familiarity with developing an ASP.NET core 2 app. You also need an Azure subscription to register your application in Azure Active Directory and create an Azure key vault.

Basically the process involves these steps:

  1. Register your application in AAD and generate app secret.
  2. Set application id/secret using environment variables.
  3. Create an Azure Key Vault.
  4. Grant your app access to your key vault using access control.
  5. Specify URL to your vault in app settings.
  6. Load app id and secret from environment variables.
  7. Read secrets from Azure Key Vault.

Checkout the sample app for this post from my Git repo.

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Cross Site Scripting (XSS)

Published August 6, 2018 in security - 0 Comments

In a XSS attack, the attacker’s goal is to inject a malicious script into the user’s browser and have the browser execute the script. The vulnerability of web applications to XSS attacks is because of not validating user’s input and/or not encoding/sanitizing data when rendering into a browser. Don’t confuse Cross Site Scripting  with Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF).

A successful XSS attack could be devastating. Examples of damages include exposing the victim’s sensitive data, displaying  inappropriate/unintended content, involuntarily transferring of money, impersonating the user’s account etc …

XSS attack is listed under the top ten most critical application security risks for 2017.

Several XSS types of attack describe how a malicious script arrives at a user’s browser: stored XSS attacks, reflected XSS attacks, and server vs client XSS attacks.

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Why OAuth2 is not for authentication.

Published July 8, 2018 in OAuth2 , security - 0 Comments

If you are like me, you might have thought OAuth 2 is for both authentication and authorization. After all, the main OAuth 2 flows ( Authorization Code, Implicit, User Credentials ) all require a resource owner to authenticate against an authorization server.  In this post, I’ll talk about some of the reasons I’ve learned why OAuth 2 is not for authentication.

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OAuth2 – Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant

Published June 11, 2018 in OAuth2 , security - 0 Comments

In this post, I’ll discuss the Resource Owner Password Credentials (ROPC) grant and when you should use it.

Overview of the ROPC Grant:

In a ROPC flow, the user gives the credentials directly to the client application, usually by mean of a login form over which the client application has complete control. In this flow, the client application does not redirect the user to an authorization server for authentication. However, the client application submits a request to the authorization server, passing over the user’s credentials to obtain an access token on behalf of the user. If the client is a confidential client or has been provided a secret key, the client also needs to authenticate against the authorization server using its client id and secret when requesting a token.

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OAuth 2 – Implicit Grant

Published June 3, 2018 in OAuth2 , security - 0 Comments

This is part of a series post about OAuth2. In this post, I go over the implicit grant type and how it relates and differs to the authorization code grant type.

Let’s look at a high-level only flow of the implicit grant flow via an example in which an application recommends a user movies based on the movies the user’s friends like on Facebook.

  1. The user submits a request to the Movie app to get movie recommendations.
  2. The app redirects the user to Facebook to authenticate.
  3. The user authenticates with Facebook and gives consent for the Movie app to access the user’s Facebook data
  4. Facebook sends back an access token to the Movie app via a redirect url.
  5. The Movie app uses the access token to request the user’s Facebook data on behalf of the user and provide recommendations to the user.

For comparison, here’s the flow using the authorization code grant.

  1. The user submits a request to the Movie app to get movie recommendations.
  2. The app redirects the user to Facebook to authenticate.
  3. The user authenticates with Facebook and gives consent for the Movie app to access the user’s Facebook data.
  4. Facebook sends back an authorization code to the Movie app via a redirect url.
  5. The Movie app submits another request to Facebook to request an access token,  passing its client credentials ( client id and secret ) as well as the authorization code obtained from step 4.
  6. Facebook validates the client’s credentials and authorization code, then issues an access token and optionally a refresh token back to the Movie app.

As you can see at the surface level, the implicit flow is more or less similar to the authorization code flow except it does not have the step of authenticating the client. As we discuss when to choose the implicit grant type vs the authorization grant type , we’ll explore other differences between the two flows and see they are meant for different types of applications.

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OAuth2 – Authorization Code Grant

Published May 19, 2018 in OAuth2 , security - 0 Comments

OAuth2 has become the de facto in modern web application security.  If you are a front end, back end or mobile developer, chances are you have had to consume or secure  protected resources with OAuth2. As such, having a good understanding of OAuth2 is invaluable. When implementing or using OAuth2 in your application, you typically face with four different grant types. Knowing the differences between the four grant types and which one to use can be quiet confusing. In this blog post series, I go over the different grant types by providing examples. This post is part of the series about OAuth2. In this post,  I’ll cover the Authorization Code Grant and when it is appropriate to use it.

If you are not familiar with the jargons, this post may help.

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Backend API with Spring Boot, Spring Data and Neo4j.

Published April 12, 2018 in Neo4j , Spring Framework - 0 Comments

Spring Boot has made it simpler than ever to get setup with Neo4j. Pretty much the only dependency you need to get started is theĀ spring-boot-starter-data-neo4j, which includes a number of other Spring dependencies for all Spring magics, and neo4j ogm dependencies.

Three key players involve in the configurations for connecting to neo4j and doing data access operations utilizing Spring: Transaction Manager, SessionFactory and Configuration.

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