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Tag Archives for " Azure ADB2C "

Integrate Azure AD B2C profile editing user flow in angular using oidc-client-js.

This post is a continuation of the blog post I wrote a couple months ago on how to authenticate user against Azure ADB2C from angular app using oidc-client-js. In that post, I discussed how to integrate AD B2C sign up and sign in flows to allow the user to authenticate against AD B2C. In this post, I’m going to show an example of integrating the editing profile user flow. You can find the accompanying sample project here.

I assume you have some basic understanding of angular and Rxjs and focus primarily on the aspects relating to integrating the edit user flow. If you have questions about the codes, feel free to reach out.

Also, check out the next post relating to oidc-client-js in which I go over handling password reset.

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Using OAuth2 Client Credentials grant type in Azure ADB2C

Published September 6, 2020 in Azure , Azure ADB2C , OAuth2 , security - 2 Comments

In the past, I worked on a project in which we had had to registered applications in both regular azure AD and azure ADB2C tenants just because OAuth2 Client Credentials grant type was not supported in Azure ADB2C. However, I recently learned that it is now possible to use the grant type to obtain an access token for an app in azure ADB2C.

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