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Tag Archives for " oidc-client-js "

Azure AD authentication in angular using MSAL angular v2 library

In previous projects, I use Oidc-client-js to authenticate users against azure AD. Oidc-client-js is a great library but is no longer maintained by the main author. Because of this, I have switched to MSAL angular v2 in my current project. Microsoft provides good documentation and sample projects to help developers to integrate the library into their project. I am able to follow the sample project to get authentication working in my angular application, albeit a few hiccups along the way. In this post, I share some of the issues I ran into and how I structure the codes for authentication.

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Integrate Azure AD B2C reset password user flow in angular using oidc-client-js.

This post continues from previous posts which I go over using oidc-client-js to interact with azure adb2c:

In this post, I’m going to share how to handle resetting password.

You can find the sample project here.

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Integrate Azure AD B2C profile editing user flow in angular using oidc-client-js.

This post is a continuation of the blog post I wrote a couple months ago on how to authenticate user against Azure ADB2C from angular app using oidc-client-js. In that post, I discussed how to integrate AD B2C sign up and sign in flows to allow the user to authenticate against AD B2C. In this post, I’m going to show an example of integrating the editing profile user flow. You can find the accompanying sample project here.

I assume you have some basic understanding of angular and Rxjs and focus primarily on the aspects relating to integrating the edit user flow. If you have questions about the codes, feel free to reach out.

Also, check out the next post relating to oidc-client-js in which I go over handling password reset.

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Obtain access token via authorization code grant with PKCE in angular using oidc-client-js and Microsoft Identity Platform.

Recently, I learned about why implicit flow is not secure because of exposing the access token in the browser. Authorization code grant with PKCE is more secure and should be preferred over implicit flow for protecting a public application which cannot keep the client secret secure. The good new is if you already use oidc-client-js and get tokens from azure ad via implicit flow, the changes you have to make to use authorization code flow with PKCE are minimal. In this post, I show what you need to change to use authorization code grant with PKCE.

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Using oidc-client-js to obtain tokens from Azure AD (v1.0) or Microsoft identity platform (v2.0) .

Published August 14, 2019 in Angular , OAuth2 , OpenID Connect , security - 1 Comment

In my previous post, I mention using MSAL for angular to implement implicit flow in angular application. However, MSAL is still in preview and I could not get it to work in IE 11. In addition, I could not find a way to obtain both access and id tokens in a single call. I have switched to oidc-client-js. Besides adding the polyfills for IE, I did not have to do much for oidc-client-js to run in IE11. The library also allows me to configure response_type parameter of a request to the authorization endpoint to obtain both id and access tokens in one call. Overall, I have found the library to be more stable than MSAL for angular. In this post, I share how I configure oidc-client-js in an angular application to obtain tokens from Azure Active Directory (v1.0 endpoint) as well as some of the lessons I have learned.

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